Wadume Pleads To Sin No More If Freed

Kidnap kingpin, Hamisu Bala, also known as Wadume, pleaded to sin no more, if freed, confessing that his sudden wealth was acquired through politics and selling of guns to armed robbery gangs and kidnappers.

The former fish seller also claimed he can no longer have sex, as he lost his manhood in the incident in which three policemen and a civilian were allegedly killed by soldiers.

The suspected kidnapper is undergoing interrogation since the day he was rearrested in Kano by police detectives.

A source told The Nation that “Wadume is giving a lot of information, and most of his revelations are true. But as a criminal, some of his information are half-truth.”

It was gathered that some of his starting revelations might have affected and delayed submission of the report of the probe panel constituted by the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Gen. Abayomi Olonisakin, on the prompting of the president.

Wadume said, although the soldiers were out to rescue him from operatives of the Intelligence Response Team (IRT) that arrested him in Ibi on August 7, at about 6pm, one of the bullets they rained on the bus conveying them had injured his scrotum.

He added that he has observed that his penis no longer erects.

Wadume, 34, has four wives and four children with two of the wives. “The other two are yet to conceive,” he said.

He narrated: “I was arrested by the police in Ibi on August 7. The police said I am a kidnapper and they handcuffed my hands and legs.

“On our way, we passed through an army checkpoint and after identification, they allowed us to go. We passed the second checkpoint which had mobile policemen and they also allowed us to pass.

“At the third checkpoint, we wasted a little time but they allowed us to go after the policemen told them they were detectives on assignment.

“Five minutes after we left that point, an army patrol vehicle started shooting at us. Our vehicle got hit, summersaulted severally times and crashed.

“When the bus stopped, all of us came out alive, except for bullet wounds. A bullet hit part of my scrotum.

“When I ran to my uncle in Kano state, he called a doctor to treat the bullet wound that affected my private part.

“It is possible, I cannot use it (manhood) again because of the damage and I have discovered that when I wake up in the morning these days, I no longer have erection.”

A cursory look shows that many things have changed about the millionaire kidnapper since his escape and re-arrest.

His characteristic smile which often showed his tooth gap has eluded him. His eyes colour has turned, and he now walks with discomfort. Today is his 10th day in police detention (he was rearrested in the late hours of August 19).

In spite of his manhood damage, the kidnapper said he is grateful that he is alive, having seen the three policemen and another person killed in his presence.

“Although, I did not ask soldiers to kill the policemen or anyone, I was happy when they rescued me. But I am happier now that the police have arrested me alive, instead of killing me,” he said.

Wadume however, has insisted he is not a kidnapper but a gunrunner, despite several testimonies against him by his victims.

“I am not a kidnapper, but I supply arms to different gangs. I make enough money as a supplier of riffles. I know I have committed a crime selling guns, but I am willing to change for good.”

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