See Why Buhari Says ‘We Are Not Succeeding In Persuading Nigerians To Change’


Success they say, has many fathers, but for President Muhammadu Buhari Nigerians are not succeeding in one particular area.

The nation in the last few weeks have experienced a rise in issues of insurgency, kidnapping, bandits’ attacks and rituals and these are sources of concern for the man that is vying for a second term in office.

He was hosted by editors of ThisDay in an interview that sounded like a one-man debate prior to the election.

Several questions were asked and a session of the interview focused on the level of insecurity in Nigeria, especially the issues of kidnapping and insurgency.

It is a source of worry for President Buhari and he believes no one is succeeding in that regard.

Individuals and groups have suggested that state police or even council police should be explored, but the President has issues with that arrangement and he believes it would not work in all states.

“Allowing the local governments have their their own police has a security organisational problem.

“I congratulated Lagos State governor when he started the neighbourhood police… It is a good initiative, but Lagos State is richer than the Federal Government.

“How many states now that can’t pay salaries.

“You ask them to go and take police and you know what happens if the police cannot be paid.

“You give him uniform and a gun and you cannot pay him for six months?

“I am very pleased to realise it’s wahala (problem) and I don’t want to be a part of it,” he said.


He then expressed concern that the rising cases of kidnapping was doing more harm to Nigeria than good.

“I don’t know if I was lucky or unlucky to be at the front of the 30 months of real civil war.

“I thank God for protecting my life and my health.

“I think I am so patriotic the way I interpret it myself, but I don’t like to ask South Africans or anybody to come and fight for us. I don’t like it.

“With about 190 million of us, if we cannot mobilise to fight insurgents getting into our country, then what is the use of our number and our resources.

“I feel very strongly about that.

“I don’t say I will not, but it will take time before I am convinced.

“I will see what I will do with the military and the police to flush Boko Haram and insurgents and abductors. I am telling you, It is not part of my campaign, but I am telling you that is what I will fix right when I come next time around,” he told the interviewers.


On why Nigeria has not been able to address the insecurity, President Buhari said the media and even those in power have failed.

“Security is number one. the country has to be secured to

“Those who are doing the abduction, robbery and so on, God will give them the sense to realise what they are doing to the country.

“Nobody can invest heavily when there is no security.

Also Read: Boko Haram: Why Borno Governor Shettima Wept Before Buhari

“Will you come to our country and bring billions of dollars if your managing director will be abducted and then somebody asked for $100 million. You wouldn’t come.

“If Nigerians will only understand that they are hurting themselves and the rest of our country more by abducting people and asking for money.

“I think we have got, all of us, especially you who are trying to control the opinion of the people, we are not succeeding in persuading the people to behave themselves,” he added.

Watch The Video. Listen From 1:22:00 (one hour 22 minutes)

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