Police Arrest Nigerian Man In Cambodia For Scam

Remigius Duru Okonkwo, a 43-year-old Nigerian man, has been arrested in Cambodia for defrauding a Vietnamese businesswoman of $356,000 USD.

According to the victim identified as Darg Mai Nga, on January 2018, she met the suspect via social media. On January 10, the suspect went to Hanoi to meet the victim, and convinced her to invest in a brick-making factory in Cambodia.

The suspect took the victim to visit Cambodia to see the factory site, and told her that it belonged to his friend. The victim believed his story and she decided to invest in the business.

The victim subsequently transferred money 5 times to a bank account, sending US$ 356,000 in total.

After receiving all the money, the suspect turned off his phone so the victim was unable to contact him for a while.

On June 15, the suspect called the victim, and told her that the factory was nearly completed, but he needed her to invest another US$150,000.

After that, the victim didn’t believe the suspect anymore, so she made an appointment to meet in Cambodia again, and called the police, who arrested the suspect when he came to meet her.

He was brought before Phnom Penh court, Cambodia on June 17.

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