Historic Statue To Be Built For Princess Diana’s 20th Anniversary.

Princes Williams and Harry are to build a permanent memorial statue of their late mother Diana in the public gardens of Kensington Palace.

The princes hope to unveil the poignant tribute in time for the 20th anniversary of Princess Diana’s death this August.

The Queen, who was publicly criticised after Diana’s death for not flying a flag at half-mast over Buckingham Palace, has given her full backing.

Although the exact position of the historic statue has not been disclosed but a senior Royal source said it could in view of William and Kate’s home.

A Buckingham Palace spokesman said “The Queen is aware of the plans and supports the wish of the Duke and Prince Harry to memorialise the life and work of their mother.”

Our mother touched so many lives. We hope the statue will help all those who visit Kensington Palace to reflect on her life and her legacy.”

Source close to the Palace added: “Prince William and Prince Harry have dreamed of doing this for a long time.

“They were both just boys when their mother passed away, but are both now fully grown men and want to honour her in the best way possible.

“It has taken 20 years for this to finally come to ­fruition so they are determined it will be a lasting and fitting legacy in what is their official London residence and a place special to them both.”

A Kensington Palace source ­said it is too early to say what the statue will look like or ­exactly where in the grounds of Kensington Palace it will be.

The move follows years of ­criticism for a series of failed efforts to build a fitting tribute to Diana after her shock death in a car crash in Paris in 1997 at the age of 36. William was 15 and Harry just 12 at the time.


Source : Mirror