Stampede In Lagos As Residents Break Into COVID-19 Palliatives Warehouse (Video)

Dozens of residents in Lagos, on Thursday, began carting away food items stacked in a warehouse in Monkey Village, Maza maza, in Amuwo Odofin.

They Crowds trooped into the warehouse uncovered by a resident in Lagos, to pack away Covid-19 palliatives stored since May

The palliatives discovered on Thursday (today), October 22, were meant for residents of Festac-Okota but were secretly stored in the warehouse.

According to reports, at least four people have died at the warehouse due exhaustion coupled with the hundreds of people that gathered to cart away the food items which include rice, beans, yams, and others.

However, the individual or group of persons who stored up the food items believed to have been provisioned by the government to share for the masses to cushion the effect of COVID-19 are yet to be known as at the time of this report.

The angry youths and some old-aged residents in the area gained entrance into the warehouse with force.

They made away with food items of their choices.

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