N800m Abuja Property Is Not Mine : Kiki Osinbajo

Kiki Osinbajo, one of the daughters of Vice President Yemi Osinbajo has denied claims that the N800 million naira Abuja property housing her Glam D’Africa business, is not hers.

Jackson Ude, a former presidential spokesperson had alleged that the multi-million naira building belonged to Kiki.

But responding to the allegation on her Instagram page, Kiki said it was completely unbelievable that a grown man could contort such lies against her.

“For me it is completely UNBELIEVABLE that a grown man will sit in his home and LIE about me, a grown man who possibly has children my age!

“Like many young women in Nigeria I work hard , It may be difficult for people like him to understand that a young woman can work hard and succeed on her own steam.

“ANYONE can verify the ownership of the property of Glamd Africa at Agis in Abuja.

I am a tenant in that property. My landlord’s name is Mr MUSA ADAMS,” she wrote on her page.

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