Ajimobi In Coma And On Life Support As Condition Worsens

Hopes of former Oyo State governor, Abiola Ajimobi recovering from coma is very slim, as the 70-year-old has again slipped into coma again for the second time as a result of COVID-19 complications.

Family members, political associates and relatives are fearful that his situation had defied every medical intervention and that only a miracle can bring him back to life completely.

The news has sparked rumours of his death, sending panic across the landscape especially among his supporters and members of the All Progressives Congress (APC) where he is the National Deputy Chairman (South) of the party.

On Monday, a reliable source close to the ex-governor told SaharaReporters that Ajimobi had been on life support machine since Friday after he slipped into a deep coma and may not make any recovery going by the observations of medical experts around him.

Ajimobi, for the past few weeks, has been in Intensive Care Unit.

The source further disclosed that the former Oyo governor has had a lung surgery since being hospitalised but made no progress while his kidneys have also failed.

Doctors treating Ajimobi, it was reliably gathered, on Friday informed his family that his situation had defied every medical intervention and that only a miracle can bring him back to life.

To douse tension generated by his health condition, SaharaReporters discovered that his supporters have circulated an old video on the Internet of Ajimobi having lunch, claiming that it was captured during the recent Muslim festival to mark the end of Ramadan fast just to show that he was alive and in fact healthy.

According to the source, the move was a deliberate attempt to deflect attention away from his precarious state of health.

“He is in very bad shape, he has been hooked to a ventilator since and on life support machine since Friday. There is only a very slim chance of him making it alive from that hospital.

“The video in circulation is an old one meant to douse tension among his supporters,” the source said.

Ajimobi has been in the Intensive Care Unit at First Cardiology Hospital, Ikoyi, Lagos, since he was rushed to the place few weeks ago after it emerged he had Coronavirus.

The former governor first slipped into coma on June 8 but was revived and stabilised by doctors until last Thursday when he again went totally unconscious.

First Cardiology is the same hospital where former Chief of Staff to President Muhammadu Buhari, Abba Kyari, was treated for Coronavirus until he died of the disease.

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