Dear COVID-19, It’s been over a month since you restricted all our activities, not minding what we all had in place prior to your outbreak.

Initially we thought it was just a temporal stay, but days turned weeks, weeks turned months and we’re still waiting in uncertainty.

To say we not agitated on how things have turned out is laughable. Oh we wish you never existed, at least not in our generation.

What do you stand to benefit in The DEATHS, Those shocked businesses and business trips you’ve halted, those you’ve relieved off their jobs, the hunger and hardship you’ve brought, those exams you stopped not minding how well we’ve prepared for them.

But then we ask, will praying or lamenting bring a solution to this pandemic? “Tongue-tied” But we will keep praying for our front-liners.

Guns can kill but same guns can protect. Arrows can kill but can be used for hunting.

Dear COVID-19, we ask again, among your numerous maladies, what advantage have you provided ? You’ve done enough, why not leave and allow us use the rest of the year in healing mentally, emotionally and physically? Living right now is scary.

Dear Hunger you know we’ve come a long way, why not spare us for now while we focus on combating this stranger called COVID-19?

Where are the vaccines ? Oh Humanity! See what you’ve been reduced to. But there’s HOPE, whether sooner or later, Humanity will win the fight against this Virus

Indeed when all these are over, we will appreciate life more and be down to earth. Because it’s obvious God is the giver of life and everyone is equal whether rich or poor.

Caucasian or Negroid

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