New Trends: How Hospital Patients Are Tagged Covid-19 In Lagos

This is a new trend discovered in government hospitals in Lagos where patients are now been tagged and numbered as Covid-19 even if treated for other aliment.

This is shocking and has made one wondering if all the cases published daily were truly of patients with the virus.

Why will a government hospital write covid-19 on a patients receipt who was treated for injury sustained?

Could this be an avenue to defraud the government?

Read story unedited:

Over the weekend, Friday to be precise.

My neighbor’s son sustained a head injury while playing with his fellow kids and was rushed to the general hospital in my area here.

The little boy wasn’t sick o.
Just a head injury that happened in my presence while we were outside discussing.

On Sunday, I went to check on the boy to see how he was doing, he was already playing with other kids though his head is still bandaged.

I started talking with his mom and she told me what now seems to be the new trend as regards Covid-19 in Nigeria.

She showed me the receipt issued to her by the hospital.
It was marked Covid-19, case 353.

I was surprised to see that.

She said when she saw the receipt, she asked the nurse what was the meaning of that?
That her son isn’t a Covid-19 patient.

The nurse told her not to worry, that it means nothing.
That she was only doing what was required of her.
So she shouldn’t worry.

According to the woman, she was still worried seeing that on her receipt but the nurse further reassured her and told her that if she doesn’t do that, she could be issued a query. Wow!

What this means is that, according the receipt, the boy is case 353 treated and discharged.

Can you imagine that?!

That is possibly the new trend now at government hospitals.

Once you’re sick and visits a government hospital, you’re a Covid-19 patient.

If she hadn’t shown me that receipt, I wouldn’t have believed what she told me yesterday.

And you keep wondering why we can’t see common pictures of patients in the isolation centers. Common pictures o.

All we see everyday are numbers upon numbers.

Let me leave it here for now.
Tariere Fiebai

Chuks Barry Peter writes

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