Woman Made To Eat Her Faeces After Repeatedly Raped In 23-Day Torture Ordeal

Nicholas John Crilley is facing a possible life sentence, for horrific crimes of torturing, burning and raping a woman during a 23-day torture ordeal.

He subjected his victim to severe physical, psychological and sadistic violence, that was so bad paramedics initially thought she was dead, the Brisbane District Court in Australia heard today.

The woman was raped daily, set on fire and had boiling water poured on to her genitals, the court heard.

Crilley, 34, also made the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, eat her own faeces and told her to choose her method of death.

She suffered multiple broken bones, deep lacerations to her face, including the “degloving of the skin”, and had burns to 46% of her body.

He pleaded guilty to 54 charges, the prosecutor Sandra Cupina told the court: “The tissue on part of her face was so severely infected it was also infested with maggots.

“If she had not been treated in hospital she would have died.

The prosecutor added that Crilley eventually called the emergency services before fleeing his Brisbane home where most of offending occurred.

He was taken into custody eight days later following a dramatic police chase involving several stolen cars.

Crilley pleaded guilty to 54 charges and faces a life sentence.

During the hearing today, his victim who remains badly disfigured and had to re-learn how to walk, spoke out.

She spent weeks in hospital including time in a critical condition in an induced coma with head-to-toe chemical burns.

She told the court: “The injuries I have sustained are horrific, very visible and irreversible and have, and will forever, affect me.

Source: Mirror

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