Commercial Driver Shot Dead By NSCDC Official Over Money In Abia (Graphic)

A commercial driver carrying perishable and non-perishable food items was shot to death, after he had an argument with an NSCDC personnel over issues bordering on money.

The killing of the commercial driver by the official of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), at Isiala Ngwa Division sparked protest among the youths on Wednesday, as Hundreds of road users were held to a standstill at the Umuikaa, Isiala Ngwa South LGA Abia state axis of Enugu-Port Harcourt expressway.

An eyewitness said while the argument was still on, the driver attempted to drive off, a situation that triggered the anger of the NSCDC officer, leading him to shoot the driver.

The situation however did not go down well with the youths of the area who attempted lynching the NSCDC official.

The suspect, who narrowly escaped death, ran into a police station in the area for safety.

According to an eyewitness: “The driver carrying tomatoes among other food items approached the Civil Defence checkpoint where they (NSCDC) were enforcing the order of the governor (Ikpeazu) on COVID-19 after they flagged him down.

“We didn’t know what they were discussing initially, but when temper started flaring, the driver was accusing him (NSCDC) personnel of extortion.

“The driver said that he can’t give him more than what he has given (bribe) to him (the NSCDC official), insisting that the restriction order doesn’t affect drivers carrying food items.

“When the temper was high, we left and were watching the drama from afar.

“The driver tried driving off and the next thing we heard was a gunshot. We all ran away and by the time we came back, we saw the driver in the pool of his blood.

“The gunshot attracted people in the area and seeing what happened, the youths and others blocked the express in protest.”

The Public Relations Officer of NSCDC Abia State Command, Ndukwe Aguiyi could not be reached for comments.

But a source in the command, who craved anonymity, said they had already contacted the Isiala Ngwa Division under whose jurisdiction the incident happened to furnish the Headquarter with information over the incident.

The source stated that the command had already set up an investigative committee on the matter, adding that the command doesn’t condone any act of indiscipline and unprofessional behavior among its personnel.

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