I Forgive My Attackers Under Influence Of Drugs : Ekweremadu

Ike Ekweremadu, a former Deputy President of the Senate, who returned to the country on Monday, said he has forgiven all his attackers under heavy influence of drugs, hence would not seek punishment for them.

Ekweremadu, who spoke with journalists at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International airport on arrival from the trip, described his assault in Nuremburg, Germany on Saturday as an action carried out by a few misguided individuals on drugs.

He said his observation about them showed that they were under a heavy influence of drugs and alcohol.

He said, “I had a feeling that they (his attackers) were under the influence of alcohol and drugs. They did not represent the feelings of our people. I have forgiven them and I have moved on.

“The government of Germany is free to do whatever they want to do about their case.”

Giving details of what actually happened at the event; the former deputy senate president said his attackers had issues with the handling of the Operation Python Dance, a military operation in the South-East.

He said, “The organisers asked me to come to the venue because the place was already full of guests including the Mayor of the town and the Nigerian Ambassador to Germany and I had to rush there.

“When I got there, the Ambassador was not there yet but a lot of people had already assembled. I was excited and I alighted from my car to go and say hello to those standing in front of the hall.

“A group of young people with IPOB emblem and shirts were also standing there. One of them then accosted me and said that we didn’t do much when the Federal Government declared Operation Python Dance in the South-East.

“They asked me to address them on the issue right there but I told them that it was part of the issues I would address when I wanted to speak during the programme but they said No!

“They became agitated and started attacking me immediately.”

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