NCAA Revokes Pilot’s Licence For Serious Violation

The Nigerian Civil Aviation  Authority (NCAA) has revoked the licence of unidentified pilot for serious violation of the Nigeria Civil Aviation Regulations  (Nig.CARs).

This revocation was a consequence of the Pilot operatng fights on non-schedule operations  while his medical certificate has since expired.

During these fight operations, the Pilot repeatedly exercised the privileges of his License ATPL (A) when he was not qualified  to exercise such privileges.

The Pilot’s Medical Certificate  commenced validity from 17th July,2017 and expired on the 16th January, 2018.

Another one was processed on 11th May, 2018 which expired on the 10th November, 2018.

However, preliminary  investigation revealed that instead of the Pilot revalidating his Medical Certificate he conducted fight operations  as the Pilot-in-Command(PIC) in flagrant disregard of the Nigeria Civil Aviation  Regulations (Nig.CARs).

According to Part A flight crew member or air traffic controller shall not exercise the privileges of his/her licence unless he/she holds a current medical certificate appropriate to the licence.

Consequent upon this, the Authority has determined that pursuant to Part2.11.1.2(b) of the Nig.CARs, the Pilot has lost the privileges of his Licence.

He does not hold a current medical certificate appropriate to the Licence.

Resultantly, in Part (a) A licence, rating, authorisation or certificate shall be revoked if the holder has lost the skills for exercising the privileges mentioned  in the document or fails to meet appropriate medical standards as shown by the result of a medical examination  or a test.

Therefore, in line with Part of the Nig.CARs, the Pilot’s Licence ATPL 2807 (A) is hereby revoked with immediate effect, and it ceases to be effective.

The Pilot has been directed to return the invalidated licence to the Authority’sDirector  of   Licensing   (DOL)   within   seven   days   of   receipt   of   the   Letter   of Sanction.
The letter has since been despatched accordingly.
The Nigerian Civil Aviation  Authority (NCAA) wishes to reiterate very strongly that violation of the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) will continue to view  very   seriously   any  infraction   of   the   Nigeria   Civil   Aviation   Regulations(Nig.CARs).
Signed:Sam Adurogboye,General Manager (Public Rela&ons),NCAA.

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