Isolog Teacher On The Run After Raping His Pupils In Lagos

Mr Adebayo Gbadebo a Primary School Isolog Teacher discovered to have molested and raped various students between the ages of 9 and 10 years old in Isolog Primary school, Alagbole, Akute, is on the run.

It was gathered that the school being owned by Engr & Mrs Ogundipe, a Deeper Life Member allowed the teacher to go scot free by the proprietress after students reported various incidents of assault which were confirmed to be ongoing for 3years.

The head-teacher, Mrs Rachael Oduntun in a bid to sweep the case under the rug, allegedly sacked Mr Adebayo, but never made a formal report to the police force or any human rights body, but instead threatened the students and staff of the school that if any should let words out about the incident to the parents whose children are involved, they will die, be expelled or fired.

They school went further to secretly administer Antibiotics to the victims without proper tests or confirmation from their parents in order not to spring up any suspicious development.

The school has up till this moment refused to talk to the Parents of the Abused children.

More so,the Perpetrator of this Gruesome act is yet to be found and brought to Justice.

And the students taken to the hospital for Medical Examination.

It’s been confirmed that one of the victims aged 9years old was diagnosed with a condition where by her Anal Nerves is severally damaged, which causes her to pass urine and faces uncontrollably.

She said that Mr Adebayo has been having anal sex with her since she was 6years old. While the other victims said he has been molesting here since her Basic 5.

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