NCAA Promises Zero Accident In 2019

Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority NCAA is set to do all within its capability to ensure a Zero Accident in the industry in 2019.

The Director General of NCAA, Captain Usman Mukhtar who was represented by Joe Jimoh of the Public Relations department said he considers training exercise as a key component of aviation development in Nigeria.

“Training is vital to our operations as a regulatory authority. The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) requires all civil aviation authorities in the world to have requisite professionals in sufficient number. Therefore our staff are exposed to relevant trainings all over the world.

This is to ensure the Authority provides a robust regulation for the aviation industry.”

“It is against this background that the NCAA has continually endeavoured to extend similar trainings to the media corps over the years. You will agree with me that the media is critical to the growth of global aviation. To underscore the strength of the media, several decades ago, the press has been referred to as the Fourth Estate of the Realm.

In other words, the fourth arm of government.”

He also stated that the NCAA will continue to celebrate this blossoming relationship with the media, as the agency is likely to end this year again with zero accident in all air transport categories.

However the Rector of
Nigeria College of Aviation Technology (NCAT), Captain Mohammed Abdulsalam said that accurate reportage of the aviation sub-sector is key to ensuring all ground growth which will project the industry better.

He said, “To ensure accuracy in the reportage of a sensitive and technical field as aviation, requires training which is important to make sure they report right and help grow the sector”

The Rector made this known as he declared open, the League of Aviation and Airport Correspondents( LAAC) Training Course jointly sponsored by the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria ( FAAN) and Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority ( NCAA ) designed to aid in the reportage of the industry.

The NCAT Rector said that sometimes, when he read headlines, he cringed with fear and was forced to conclude the writer knew very little or nothing of the field.

Captain Abdulsalam said,”unless journalists are trained adequately on the subject matter, they will not be able to properly and adequately report properly and accurately about the field.

It is not everyone who can be an aviation correspondent and when you read headlines written by people who do not cover the beat or are trained you know.”

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