Atiku Not Attending Presidential Debate Is Arrogant

Was the Presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, Atiku Abubakar arrogant being at the venue of the Presidential debate and not attending just because President Buhari wasn’t there?

The spokesperson of the Atiku Campaign Organisation, Kassim Afegbua, told news men on Saturday, “If Buhari is not attending, he (Atiku) is not going to attend because that is the real debate”.

Forgetting that the presidential debate is a forum to let Nigerians know what Atiku has in stock for them and convince them how they are going to implement such if eventually voted into office.

Copying the action of Buhari not attending public debates by boycotting the organised presidential debate despite being at the venue because Buhari would not and did not show up is more contemptuous to the Nigerian people, who feel a real leader leads by distinct example and high principle in the public interest not by follow – follow instinct which Atiku has childishly displayed by taken to his heel on mundane excuse

Information trending now on social media written by Ayekooto Akindele, revealed that in 2011, Buhari did not abscond DEBATE because JONATHAN did not attend.

Buhari attended and did not look down on other candidates.

The fact that Atiku was at the venue but left without attending shows ONE THING, he’s arrogant and have nothing to sell!!!

Atiku returned on Saturday from his two-day visit to the United States of America, so he could attend the Presidential debate but didnt because President Buhari wasn’t on ground is viewed by many as being arrogant.

He came in from US in company with the Senate President, Dr. Bukola Saraki amongst other PDP stalwart came in a motorcade.

Many of his supporters were seen dancing and singing his praises, before he stopped over at the Legacy House, in Maitama, Abuja.

Within the Legacy House compound, Atiku mounted a makeshift rostrum, from where he addressed his supporters.

He said, he was ready for the presidential debate holding later only for him not to because President Buhari wasn’t there.

He thanked his supporters for their commitment to his presidential race.

His visit came as a shock to the opposition party, who has alleged that he would not be able to enter the US, over corruption charges levelled against him in the country.

Meanwhile, the Federal Government has revealed that the former vice president would have questions to answer regarding the collapse of the defunct Platinum Habib Bank.

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