How Mother And Daughter Removed Identical Facial Tumors For Free

Relief finally got to unidentified mother and her daughter with identical facial tumours as the both got new lives after volunteer doctors removed the identical facial tumours on their face for free.

The story trending on social media had it that the mother, was bullied for 25 years over her huge tumour, which dominated the right side of her face.

She was devastated when her daughter Edith, now 12, developed a similar growth five years ago, which started as just a small lump behind her ear.

Barely able to make ends meet, the pair, had no choice but to let the bulging masses grow until the mother first underwent a free surgery, courtesy of Mercy Ship before her daughter joined her.

Speaking of when her surgery bandages were removed, Valerie said: ‘I said “Wow! Is this really me? Is this really happening to me?” It’s a miracle.’

Photos after surgery

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