Police Dropped Case Of Toddler Who Died In Washing Machine

The police have dropped the case against parents whose 3 years old son, died in washing machine while playing hide-and-seek game with his five year old sister, in Slupsk, Poland.

The toddler, named Marcel, died after becoming trapped inside a washing machine, while the parents were taking a nap

Marcel’s mum and dad began searching for him when they could not hear him playing.

They were horrified when they found him locked inside the washing machine in the bathroom, and immediately called an ambulance.

When paramedics arrived, the little boy’s condition was already critical, and they performed resuscitation for almost one and a half hours.

They also performed a tracheotomy in a bid to help him breathe before rushing him by ambulance to a nearby hospital.

But despite the best efforts of paramedics and doctors, Marcel died six hours later.

An autopsy revealed that the little boy had died from suffocation due to a lack of oxygen in the washing machine.

Local prosecutors launched an investigation into the boy’s tragic death but have now revealed that nobody will face charges.

Piotr Nierebinski, the district prosecutor, said: “The investigation into exposing the child’s life to danger, and inadvertently causing his death, has been discontinued as we found no evidence of criminal acts by third parties.

“Nobody will be charged. It was a random incident and the investigation has been discontinued.”

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