Labour Suspends Warning Strike With Immediate Effect

Nigeria Labour Congress NLC has suspended the warning strike on minimum wage which began on Thursday with immediate effect, following promises by the Federal Government to reconvene the tripartite committee on national minimum wage on October 4.

Comrade Ayuba Wabba who announced the suspension at a news conference said organized labour has received firm invitation to the reconvening of the meeting of the tripathite Committee.

He therefore asked all workers to resume work immediately today the 30th of September.

Announcing the decision in Abuja on Sunday, the NLC President, Ayuba Wabba, stated that the labour action was suspended to enable the tripartite committee to hold its crucial meeting and conclude its work.

The organised labour had embarked on the strike after a 14-day ultimatum to the Federal Government for failing to come out with its own figure on the new minimum wage.

The three labour unions had demanded N65,500 as new minimum wage for workers, while the private employers and some state governors were proposing N25,000.

Wabba said the meeting, scheduled to reconvene on Oct. 4, would enable the committee to conclude work on the minimum wage after the Federal Government must have given a figure on what it could afford for workers.

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