Global Hangar Sets For Operations In Nigeria

This is a new dawn in the Nigerian and African aviation sectors as 7 Star Global Hangar, a new internationally licensed Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO), owned and managed by Nigerians, is set to commence operations next week, following the granting of a full license by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority NCAA in Lagos

Isaac Balami, Chief Executive Officer of the company said, the MRO is operations-ready to handle Boeing 737 Fleets, and also stock a comprehensive spare parts inventory marketplace to be made available to airlines in Nigeria and across the West and Central African region.

Balami, who decried the high cost of maintenance of aircraft by airline operators in the region, said relief has come to the aviation sector, urging operators to take advantage of the opportunity.

Former President of about Eight years standing of the National Association of Aircraft Pilots and Engineers (NAAPE) – while serving as a senior manager at Aero Contractors – Balami Handed over in NAAPE and resigned in Aero to focus on the MRO, He firmly believes that with the granting of “Approved Maintenance Organization” to operate that millions of dollars will be saved for airlines and while also greatly reducing capital “flight”. Additionally, foreign airlines local currency accounts will encourage their engagement with 7 Star Global.

Working with Jordanian, American and European technical partners, Balami said maintenance will be carried out on Boeing Classic along side new generation, Private jets Military/Para military Planes and other Aircraft types, over time.

In his view, a prime contributor to the failure of so many Airlines over the years, has been the capital and fleet erosion, all of which can be mitigated and eliminated with licensed local maintenance support.

Noting that maintenance costs added continuing to rise at an alarming scale, Balami and his team determined to apply their expertise to deliver such a facility in Nigeria to assist local African operators. He also adding that, a single B737 aircraft, grounded awaiting maintenance, has a negative impact of hundred thousand dollars plus, per day, to the owner /operator Airline.

Balami also explained additional significant costs savings, including navigational charges a crew salaries and expenses to local airlines in comparison with recently the identical services performed in another country.

Maintenance services, Balami disclosed, will also be available in Abuja in a few weeks from now, delivering cost reduced international class services.

Our new Hangar in Abuja can take two Boeing 737 at the same time.

According to the CEO, some of the experts in the organisation have worked for more than thirty years in the Aviation Sector, at local and international levels. Furthermore, our technical partners from Jordan, USA and Europe bring more than 50 years combined so operations in Aircraft heavy maintenance, ranging from C-D Checks to aircraft paintings amongst a broad cross-section of related services.

“Together we have determined to ensure aircraft serviceability across Africa. This MRO will create hundreds of Jobs in the next few months as well as stimulate opportunities across the sector supply chain.”

An international aviation expatriate from the USA, and a Founding Director of 7 Star Global Hangar – and the former use MD of American Airlines where he was in charge of more than 1000 Aircaft – and the Biggest MRO in the World – Dr Abiodun Asekun, who described the approval of the license by NCAA as “a right step in the right direction” adding that the MRO he hopes will play a major role in support of and close working partnership with the new Nigerian National carrier commencing operations. Currently the only standalone MRO in West And Central AFRICA with huge potentials.

“Because there is no parking space in the air, we have put together the best brains in the aircraft maintenance, managements, engineering, modifications, fabrications, training, design and manufacturing in the ground”, according to Dr. Asekun.

The Accountable Manager Engr Ibrahim Nock also spoke saying that 7 Star is coming at a time when it is truly needed in the country stating that the national carrier fleet are encouraged to take advantage of our facility, to generate jobs for the vast number of talented but jobless engineers across the country. This is also an opportunity to stretch the best Aviation Engineers at home and across the Diaspora- many of whom have made up their minds to return home to support the great efforts of the Aviation Minister, with the support of our President.

Abiodun feels that this will save the country huge amount of money and urged the government to provide enabling environment to ensure survival of the MRO

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