My Life Is Threatened Fighting For Workers Welfare : Comrade Abdulrasaq Saidu

The National General Secretary of Association of Nigerian Aviation Professionals ANAP,
Comrade Abdulrasaq Saidu lamented, he’s being receiving death threats text messages, following agitation by the Association on the condition of service for workers of the Nigerian Meteorological Agency NiMET.

Comrade Abdulrasaq Saidu, who briefed newsmen on the threat to his life at ANAP office in Ikeja, revealed that he got a call from a mobile phone number 08054969604 Tuesday morning at about 7.30 am while getting ready for work.

But explained that due to poor network he could not get the voice of the person clearly adding that the person later sent text messages which reads as follow :

”If you love yourself be careful if not the violent change you are planning will consume you and all your co travellers. Be warned”

According to Comrade Saidu on getting the text message, he then responded as follow “Continue with ur threat. Allah shall take control bcos Allah owns my life”.

Saidu said the person again responded thus :
“You don’t have any Allah you hypocrite. Why didn’t pick my call. I am going to trace you out if you think you can threaten an organisation from where you feed every day unjustifiable nemesis will catch up with you very soon”.

According the ANAP scribe, he resorted to true caller on his phone and the name that appeared was one Jigah of NiMET.

Saidu said he will never succumb to any blackmail from a coward in the pursuit of emancipation of injustice in the system stressing that the union was only agitating for the welfare of those that were working for the overall development of the aviation industry and other sectors that relied on Meteorological information for survival.

“I want to state categorically that am not undaunted and will not be deterred by any amount of threat or blackmail. I have notified the law enforcement agency and other security operatives about the ugly development”

“The owner of the said GSM number should be held responsible for whatever happens to me and I am very convinced that he will be fished out by the security agents in no distant time”

” I want to reiterate here that all we are saying is that six months ultimatum will elapse in August and we want workers welfare to be addressed.

In an organization where there is no condition of service, how can workers have sense of belonging. We have been requesting for meeting with the management since last year but no response from them”.

Saidu said there was no going back on ANAP’s plan about NiMET unless the management calls them for a meeting before the August deadline.

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