Phone Password: What Secret Is Your Spouse Hiding

Most times the way a couple handles their cell phones reveals a great deal about the overall health of their marriage.

Let me explain..

When a spouse is defensive or secretive about his/her phone, it’s usually a symptom of some kind of unhealthy behavior. It’s not aways infidelity, though inappropriate interactions with the opposite sex are certainly common among people who keep passwords from their spouse.

When you don’t give your spouse full access to your phone, you’re essentially saying,“I’m not giving you full access to myself Or it could be there are secrets I don’t want to tell you, behaviors I don’t want to reveal to you or activities I don’t want to share with you.”

Popular Evangelist identified as Uncle Sola is of the view  that any Marriage where one spouse gets to lock his/her phone before sleeping is into a Yahoo Marriage, built on the foundation of lies and deceit.
Speaking further he said, Your family should be able to use or access your phone behind you. But if they can’t,  Don’t worry remain a fornicator.
Any marriage where you have to lock your phone and go to bed with it under  your pillow so none of your family can see it, is a Yahoo marriage  with dubious secrets.
Most people according to him will not hear……but hey will still come and hide under the umbrella of everyone deserves a little privacy.
Why should a partner hide their phone contents from their spouse if there isn’t any secret they are hiding. 
If you’re even dating a person and can’t access their phones guess you need to review the relationship.
You might pridefully believe that you have the right to keep secrets from your spouse, but any form of deception or secrecy in a marriage is toxic.
The healthiest couples value transparency over personal privacy. When a spouse operates in secrecy, it creates distrust and disunity in the marriage.
This goes against the very definition of marriage.

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