Oyo First Female Governorship Aspirant Declares Intention

Bolanle Sarumi Aliyu an aspirant in the 2019 governorship election in Oyo State, said she will make history and overturn the political landscape.

The first female aspirant for governorship aspirant declared her intention to contest in Ibadan on Tuesday, while marking the June 12 celebrations in the state.

According to her, “I am seeking to overturn the political landscape, giving life to gender balance in Nigeria’s political space”.

Aliyu said she is ready to set the pace that will invigorate the Nigerian Woman with a change of mindset that women taking the back seat in politics has come to an end.

According to her, “Women of great vision and capacity from all over the world and indeed Africa have realized and have begun to take their rightful place as leaders.

In Rwanda, my sisters and mothers currently occupy about 64% of the country’s parliament. I am therefore setting myself as a pace setter in the ‘pace setting state’ called Oyo State.

My vision to govern Oyo state is not just a mere aspiration to have a woman in the highest Office in the State but a call to serve my people.”

She added that the full and equitable participation of Nigerian women in public life is essential in building and sustaining strong and vibrant democracy.

She is however yet to declare on what political platform she hopes to achieve her ambition.

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