Why Bill Cosby’s Wife May Be Planning Divorce

Now that Bill Cosby is under house arrest awaiting sentencing after being convicted of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand, the disgraced comedian may be about to lose something else in addition to his freedom: his 54-year marriage to Camille Cosby.

According to RadarOnline, Camille Cosby has moved out of their Pennsylvania mansion and moved into the couple’s home in Massachusetts.

“He literally is home alone,” a source told Radar, adding: “She even took the staff with her!”

Radar’s report alleges that Camille also brought their chef, multiple drivers, a house manager and the couple’s three grown children with her.

“They’ve been fighting and arguing since the verdict,” the insider told Radar. “She wanted a divorce, but he begged her to stay!”

While Cosby is confined to his mansion, with an ankle bracelet broadcasting his movements to authorities, Radar claims to have tracked down his wife in Shelburne Falls, Mass., “where we discovered her diving into their Olympic-sized pool three times a day, ferrying in groups of female friends to provide emotional support and hawking family assets in the wake of Cosby’s massive legal bills.”

Among the assets to be sold, claims Radar, is Cosby’s private jet (which he famously declared he didn’t own in an angry outburst in court), while Camille is “in the process of dumping his vast vintage car collection — as well as their California real estate holdings!”

“Camille wants to leave his scandal behind her. She has no interest in seeing Bill,” said a source. “She wants to reside quietly in Shelburne — and doesn’t want his reputation affecting the life she’s building for herself!”

However, BuzzFeed entertainment news reporter Claudia Rosenbaum issued a tweet indicating she spoke with Cosby’s publicist, who said the reports that Camille is filing for divorce are “not true.”

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