Woman Begs Police To Arrest Her Husband

Audrey Matshukud, a South African lady is pleadeding with the police to locate and arrest her alienated husband, who physically abused her.

She wrote on her Facebook page to tell details about the abuse she allegedly suffered in her husband’s hands.

On April 15, 2018, my husband Matshukudu Matshukudu physically attacked me and I moved out of the house with my son.

I have a protection order against him that was confirmed in 2016, and I told him that if he ever touched me again, I’ll go away and never look back.

I went and stayed in an unknown place, he followed me once in a taxi and when I got out of the taxi, his car stopped behind me, he attacked me again and grabbed my then 2 year old son from me.

I stayed for days without knowing where my son was. I managed to hide in a nearby location as he drove around the block and searched for me.

He was arrested on 30 April 2018 for violating the protection order and released on 4 May 2018.

And then, on May 25 last Friday, he managed to reach the whereabouts I was living in. The house and physically bothered me again.

I went back to opening a case this Friday and then on Monday when I went to work to tell why I can not get to work, I saw him drive past my workplace twice in the yard of my workplace.

I contacted the police and it was decided that I should hide. So now it’s been 5 days since I opened the case that he was not arrested and I’m stuck in a place where I can not go to work. My son can not go to school while walking the streets of Kimberley.

Please help the police to find him so that I and my son can live a normal life.

I AM SCARED and I fear for my life !!!

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