Police Arrest Teenagers Over Murder Of Pensioner

A Teenager has been arrested over the murder of 87-year-old pensioner found in a pool of blood after a violent burglary
in his own home.

The 17-year-old from Stoke-on-Trent in Basingstoke, Hampshire, are now been questioned over the death of the pensioner.

Bob Gumbley was set upon by cruel thieves on Tuesday night when they broke into his home and left in a pool of blood with horrific injuries after being kicked and punched by two thieves who stole cash from his wallet at his home in Little Aston, near Sutton Coldfield, West Mids.

The pensioner died in hospital three weeks later.

Police believe the intruders took gold and silver jewellery during the break-in last November, including a 16th century gold coin and a necklace with a gold sovereign insert.

In a statement after Mr Gumbley’s death, his family said: “He truly was a person that, not only us as a family, but the people that knew him, looked up to and respected.

The pensioner had to be treated in hospital for the devastating injuries but died three weeks after the attack left him with devastating injuries

Photos of Mr Gumbley’s badly bruised face and body were released by Staffordshire Police – with the agreement of his family – before his death, in the hope the images would lead to the identification of those responsible.

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