Man Donates Free Sperm To Help Women Have Children.

Getting Sperm from fertility clinic is usually expensive and sometimes cost around £6,000, but Olive a Staffordshire, resident gives his sperm away for free in a syringe.

He said hes not a creep but just gives his sperm away for free to help women have children.

The Retired maths teacher has 65 kids now and wants to keep going until he reached 100 – and his wife is fine with it

After retiring from his career as a maths teachers, Clive decided he still wanted to make a difference to future generations.

And to do so, he drives up and down the country pleasuring himself in his van in front of strangers’ houses – a move that has so far resulted in 65 kids and another 14 on the way.

Often spending an entire day on the road, he drives his van to wherever he’s needed, climbs into the back and fills a syringe with his sperm, which he keeps warm under his arm until handing it over.

“I give them the syringe and will talk to them for about five to ten seconds, just make a bit of idle chit-chat.

“They are often nervous and it’s just a way of putting them at ease,” said Clive.

While a third of his donations work first time, another third of his customers need two or three visits and others can take as many as six.

He makes on average 16 donations per month but only a couple result in a pregnancy. For those that don’t work, he always returns the next month with another syringe.

“About two thirds of the people I have helped are same-sex couples.

The others are heterosexual couples and a few are single ladies. I am not strict and I do believe every lady deserves to have a baby,” he explained.

Clive had originally wanted to donate his sperm through the proper channels, but most clinics won’t take donations from men over 45 due to the increased risk of health complications like autism.

He is always open with his customers about the fact his father had a brain tumour, and provides his clear STD results upon request.

However, because he doesn’t offer his sperm through a Government-approved Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority-licensed clinic, he could still technically be considered the legal parent and charged maintenance.

He hopes that by using the van he will put some distance between himself and the families and strengthen his argument that he really is nothing but a donor.

“I also know, technically, if any of the ladies ever wanted to report me to the Child Support Agency in the future, they could nail me for 18 years for child payments,” he said.

“This has never happened but it is another reason why I use my van.”

But despite the fact his wife and kids are less than impressed by his personal quest, he is determined to keep going until he has 100 children.

“I am so proud to have fathered 79 children. I love the joy it brings. So many people say, ‘Thank you so much, Clive, you really have changed our lives,'”

the retired maths teacher has fathered 65 kids.

“That, for me, is why I do it. It’s special. I wanted to help their plight because I love children so much. He felt sorry for the recipients and had the time to do it.”

As for developing an attachment to the kids he’s fathered, he remains in touch with ‘five or six’ of his kids but insists he has never had any ‘feelings’.

“When I first set out I did wonder if I would feel anything,” he said.

“You never know how the emotional side is going to play out. You wonder if you will start to think that they are your children and will you want access. But I have never had any of these feelings.”

Source: Mirror

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