First Nation Airlines MD Remanded in EFCC Custody Over Alleged Theft

Odukoya was docked before Justice Mojisola Dada of a Special Offences Court, sitting at Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria.

Joined in the action is First Nation Airlines and Bellview Airlines as second and third defendants.

The aviation chief who had earlier failed to appear before the judge on three different times was eventually brought to the court by the Commission after being detained when he reported at the EFCC office on March 13, 2018.

Odukoya was specifically dragged before Justice Dada on a four-count charge that touches on theft to the tune of N1.7billion and forgery of Certificate of Occupancy issued by the Lagos State Government.

The anti-graft agency equally made an allegation that Odukoya forged the Memorandum of Loss of Lagos State Certificate of Occupancy registered as No. 33 at page 33 volume 1011 at the Lagos State Land Registry, Alausa, Lagos, so that the document can be acted upon as genuine and that the forged document was in respect of a property located at No. 29, Oduduwa St., Ikeja GRA, Lagos.

The aviation chief was also accused by the EFCC of using the said forged document and equally gave false information on oath concerning the loss of the Certificate of Occupancy at the Lagos State Land Registry.

It was also the argument of the EFCC that on October 7, 2016, Odukoya allegedly stole and dishonestly converted to his own use the sum of N1. 7 billion owned by Skye Bank contrary to Sections 85, 86(1) 278(1)(b), 285, 361(1),(a) (b), 363 and 364(1) of the Criminal Law of Lagos State 2011.

Justice Dada has subsequently adjourned until March 26, 2018 to deliver ruling on Odukoya’s bail application.

The judge also ordered that the aviation chief be remand in EFCC custody.


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