Pregnant Mistress Beaten And Stripped Naked In China

A PREGNANT woman was brutally beaten and kicked in the stomach in a horrific attack launched by her lover’s ex-wife, according to reports.

The sickening attack was captured on camera and includes the moment the callous first wife stamps on her pregnant stomach wearing stiletto heels.

The footage, believed to be from China, shows the young woman lying on the ground as she is surrounded by four older women, while the first woman to lash out at her, wearing blue jeans and a navy blue top, is believed to be the wife.

As she does this, two of her friends restrain the petrified pregnant woman by her arms to stop her escaping.

She is then stripped naked as they continue to assault her until she bleeds
as bystanders refuse to intervene.

The distressed woman can be heard shouting: “I can’t take it. I am pregnant.”

The angry wife climbs on top of the distressed woman as she continues to punch repeatedly in her stomach.

The savage attack continues despite her pleas and she is seen bleeding from the mouth.

Source The Sun

2 thoughts on “Pregnant Mistress Beaten And Stripped Naked In China

  1. What is the attacked women name and what city is she from? The attacking women should be jailed.

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