Emmerson Mnangagwa Sworn In As Zimbabwe’s New President

Emmerson Mnangagwa has been sworn in as Zimbabwe’s president on Friday, ending Robert Mugabe’s 37-year reign over the southern African country.

Mnangagwa was fired from his role as Mugabe’s vice president earlier this month, in an apparent attempt to pave the way for Mugabe’s wife, Grace, to become Zimbabwe’s next president. This is believed to be the reason behind the country’s military coup last week.

Mnangagwa returned to Zimbabwe on Wednesday after Mugabe’s resignation the day before, which prompted celebrations in the country’s parliament and on the streets of Harare.

But Mnangagwa’s relationship with Mugabe wasn’t always bad. In fact, he had served as the Mugabe’s personal assistant and bodyguard, and occupied multiple senior political roles before becoming his vice president in 2014.

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