Dana Air Resumes Flights, Apologizes For Slight Disruptions

We wish to apologize to our guests for the slight delays experienced today 21st November 2017, as result of the illegal disruption of our flight operations by the National Association of Aircraft Pilots and Engineers (NAAPE)

We wish to also state clearly that reason given by the union for their illegal action this morning is entirely is entirely false, baseless and malicious as there is no such thing as ‘casualization’ of staff at Dana Air.

We have also advised the union times without number, that we are a law abiding, and liberal corporate citizen and are not against their activities or the activities of our staff members in these unions. We also cannot foist unionism on our staffs. We understand what freedom of association means, and we expect the unions to know better.

The activities of these unions have only led airlines to the precipice and it is appalling what they seek to achieve by illegally disrupting our flights.

We will continue to engage the unions in the most civil manner and hope that the unions learn to be constructive in their activities by supporting the efforts of the Federal Government and our sincere efforts towards the betterment of the aviation industry.

We once again apologize to our guests and regret the inconvenience that this ill-informed path that the unions have decided to tow, has caused our teeming guests and we wish to assure them of our willingness to not only to reschedule their flights for free, but to compensate them as a result of the activities of these antagonists of the sector.
Best regards,

Kingsley Ezenwa | Media / Communications Manager

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