Alex Ekwueme Alive And Recuperating: Family Member

The family of former Vice President, Alex Ekwueme, has dismissed reports making the rounds claiming that the elder statesman is dead.

It could be recalled that barely a week ago, Ekwueme, reportly collasped and was admitted at the Intensive Care Unit of Memfys Hospital for Neurosurgery, Enugu State.

Following his critical condition, president Muhammadu Buhari approved immediate medical treatment for him taken abroad.

Meanwhile, news broke on social media that Ekwueme passed on during the weekend in a London hospital.

However, the family has described the rumour of his death as “wicked”; stressing that the elder statesman is alive and well and is yet to be taken abroad.

In a statement on Tuesday by the family spokesman, Mr. Uche Ezechukwu, who incidentally is the Chairman Editorial Board of Authority newspaper, the Ekwueme family said: “The wicked rumour making the rounds about the deterioration of the condition of Dr Alex Ekwueme is totally untrue.

“The truth is that elder statesman is alive and well. His condition is not only stabilizing but improving considerably.

“In fact, the former VP has moved from a stage of unconsciousness to a state whereby he now receives visitors, sits up and eats.

“It is also important to inform that Dr Ekwueme is yet to be taken abroad, as the necessary documentation and preliminary are on course and arrangements are being completed.

“Any statement I make on the elder statesman are impeccable and have full authentication of the family,” Ezechukwu said in the statement.

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