Dad Punches Daughter To Death For Crying

Liam Deane has been sentenced to life imprison after punching his newborn baby girl to death because she “would not stop crying”.

Deane, 22, squeezed and punched his two-day-old daughter after losing his temper.

Baby Luna suffered “catastrophic brain injuries” after her tired mum went upstairs to sleep and her dad was asked to look after her.

Michael Smith, prosecuting, told Leeds Crown Court the baby suffered injuries to her brain, body and face.

The prosecutor told the court: Deane said he was responsible for all of the injuries that she had suffered and he said that Luna had not settled down and he lost control.”

On July 17, two days after Luna was born, her mum Karen Bissett, 21, went upstairs at their home in Wakefield, West Yorks.

The following day she was told by Deane that Luna was struggling to breathe after falling in the night and hitting her head.

They called an ambulance and paramedics arrived to notice her face was badly swollen and bruised.

Luna was taken to Leeds General Infirmary where she died in intensive care on July 14th, three days after the attack.

A doctor concluded Luna had died after suffering head trauma, leaving her with “catastrophic brain injuries.”

Deane broke down when interviewed by police and admitted he was responsible for attacking the baby.

He admitted punching Luna to the face, squeezing her body and arms and shaking her.

Deane from Wakefield was given a life sentence and was told he must serve a minimum of ten years in prison.