Husband Tortures Wife To Death Weeks After Traditional Marriage

Miss Vera Udechukw an indigene of Oba in Anambra State was only 24 years old when
she met and fell in love with a young man called Jerry Ugochukwu Ohale, an indigene of Urualla, Ideato in Imo State.

The guy is based in Ghana and they both decided to get married.

Late August this year, they did their traditional wedding at Oba and the girl joined the husband in Ghana immediately after and they started planning their white wedding.

Then tragedy struck!

Barely two weeks after the traditional wedding, precisely on the 10th of September 2017, Vera was murdered in cold blood.

The Ghana Police authorities discovered her body and managed to establish contact with her family in Nigeria.

The family was contacted the next day, September 11, 2017.

The intriguing part is that the husband, Jerry, is nowhere to be seen. The Police in Ghana has since launched a manhunt for him.

They suspect has allegedly fled Ghana and returned to Nigeria.

Preliminary investigations by the Ghana Police show that the girl was brutally tortured to death. She was killed in the most gruesome circumstances.

Many questions arise.

Who killed this young lady?

Could it be her husband?

Why is the guy on the run?

Why has he disappeared?

Meanwhile, the girl’s family is naturally distraught. They don’t understand how their daughter whom they barely gave out in marriage barely few weeks ago is now dead.

As we speak,her lifeless body is deposited in the mortuary by the police, the family is battling to retrieve the corpse of their daughter from the Police in Ghana and send the body home to Nigeria for burial. Even the family of the boy said that they haven’t heard from him since after their marriage.

Sadly, the girl’s family is not even sure of what their in-law does for a living. Their daughter simply told them that he is an international businessman.