How Mother Of Three Was Cut To Death In Hospital Lift.

Rocio Cortes Nunez, mother-of-three died after she was cut in half by a hospital lift n a horrifying accident.The 26 year old was being taken to a maternity unit on the third floor after waking up following a C-section when the accident happened,

Rocio Cortes Nunez a mother-of-three died after she was cut in half by a hospital lift in a horrifying accident was being taken to a maternity unit on the third floor after waking up from a C-section

Local reports said firefighters took two hours to reach her mauled body after her head was trapped between the lift frame and roof as it started moving upwards and her feet left dangling in the lift shaft.

Ms Nunez has two other daughters, aged three and four, according to the newspaper.

Her baby was said to have been with her when the tragedy happened – but miraculously survived at the Valme  hospital in Seville, southern Spain.

Her devastated family ‘want answers’ after the accident.

The brother-in-law David Gaspar said: “It’s incredible. We still can’t believe what’s happened. Something has to happen. This cannot go unpunished.”

Her relatives told a local paper a hospital porter had gone to change lifts after the door opened and closed twice without anything happening – before it started moving upwards and he was unable to pull the stretcher with Ms Nunez on it to safety.

Regional health minister Marina Alvarez called the accident ‘quick, unusual and tragic’ .

She said the lift had undergone checks on August 12 and passed all of the criteria.

An immediate investigation has been launched.