Yoruba Actress Ronke Oshodi Reacts To Viral Interview. Watch Video.

The popular Yoruba actress Ronke Ojo-Gbolahan popularly addressed as Oshodi-Oke in an exclusive interview with BroadwayTV weighed in on the cause of many celebrity marriages going down the hill.

According to the actress in the interview she said ‘I Can’t Cook For You If I’m The Breadwinner Of The Family’

Things can’t work out if the responsibilities of a home lies heavily on one person. She stated that if she provides for the needs of the family or takes up the role of the breadwinner then there is no way she’s cooking for any man.

you can’t expect her to stay submissive and work herself to the bones, like a slave, if she is the breadwinner of the family.

The actress made this comments in a new interview with Broadway TV, where she talked about the family setting, her children and career.

Speaking about the family setting, she didn’t mince words.

“It’s not because we don’t want to be in our husband’s house or we are not submissive enough. I am going to pay the NEPA bill, if you don’t have. I will do some certain things, if you don’t have. So, you now come and expect me to cook for you to eat. It’s not going to work. It is just not going to work,” she said, explaining that role reversals should take place in cases where the woman takes on family responsibilities.

Ronke Oshodi would only accept to do house chores and cook as much as the man want, if he provides for the family. But in situations where she contributes a significant percentage of the family’s upkeep, then dude better enter kitchen and cook his own food.

“If you are the man and you do absolutely everything, that’s when you can have total control [over] your wife,” she added.

But in a swift reaction, Ronke Oshodi has seemingly back-tracked, saying she was only joking in the Broadway interview. So her reaction in the Instagram video link below:

Watch rhe video to get her reactions.