NDLEA Appoints New Spokesman

Mr Jonah Achema has been appointed
as the new spokes person of the anti-narcotic Agency by the Chairman/Chief Executive of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency Col. Muhammad Mustapha Abdallah.

Until his present appointment, Achema was the Assistant Commander Administration and Logistics at the Enugu State command.

He takes over from Ofoyeju Mitchell who has been redeployed to Edo State command.

Ofoyeju Mitchell who headed the Public Affairs Unit of the NDLEA since 2007 expressed his deep appreciation to the management for giving him the opportunity to serve the country and also thanked members of the media for their overwhelming support.

In his words, “I remain grateful to management for the opportunity to serve this country in the above capacity.

I am equally indebted to my colleagues in the media for the immense support I enjoyed during my tenure. I humbly request that you accord my successor full cooperation for him to excel in his new assignment”.

The posting is in line with established policy of appointments and transfers in the Agency. All handing and taking over documentation are to be completed on or before August 7, 2017.