Protest In Apapa As Police Shoots Tanker Driver To Death.

Protesting tanker drivers have taken to the streets of Apapa threatening to set sterling bank and properties around the area on fire.

This is following the death of a tanker driver shot by a Mobile policeman attached to Sterling bank at Wharf road in Apapa area of Lagos.

Banks in Apapa are shutting down and evacuating their personnel following the incident by protesting tanker drivers.

Diamond and sterling banks were set ablaze by the angry protesters.

An eyewitness said the incident started when the tanker driver refused to give the police officer money which led to a heated argument and the officer fired by mistake.

The police officer fled the scene when he realized the driver was dead.

The tanker drivers who were angry chased the officer into the bank where he was been protected by security guards.

The bank’s refusal to give up the policeman provoked the drivers the more. The driver’s colleagues then moved to set the bank ablaze, destroying properties and other valuables.

The policemen from Rapid Response Squad (RRS), anti-riot squad and Area B command, as well as operatives from the Nigerian Navy Ship (NNS) BEECEOFT have arrived at the scene to restore peace.