Lions Club President Slumps And die At Lagos Airport.

Mr. Dada Isaac Olusola,the President of Lions Club in Nigeria, slumped and died at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos.

The deceased, who was in company of his wife and Lions Club members, had arrived in the country aboard an Emirates Airlines flight from the United States.

The plane had a stopover in Dubai before connecting to Lagos.

The team had gone to the US for a Lions Club conference.

A source close to the scene of the incident at the airport said that the passenger slumped at the checkpoint screening where he was attended to and given medication by airport clinical personnel, but by 17:34 hours, the passenger was pronounced dead in the presence of his wife and members of the Lions Club who accompanied him.

Another source revealed that the deceased was pronounced dead by one Dr. Abdullahi of Lagos Airport Clinics.

He was suspected to have died of cardiac arrest.

His remains were later taken away by his wife to the morgue.