Police Arrest Landlady For burgling Tenant’s Apartment.

According to neighbours, Obiaguim broke into the tenants apartment  in her absence, removed her properties and converted them to her own use believing that Godwin will die from the ailment and not come back to the house.

It was gathered that the tenant had paid Obiaguim one year rent in January 2017 before she traveled home with the rent due to elapse by December 2017.

However, the landlady removed Godwin’s property from her apartment and kept them for her own use while she rented out the apartment to another person.

The police noted that the properties Obiaguim stole from her tenant included a mattress, generator, fan, rug, kitchen utensils, among others.

It was learned that when the tenant survived the ailment and came back, she saw that her apartment had been rented to another person while her properties had also been removed and on inquiries, she found out that it was her landlady who had burgled her room.

Godwin reported the matter at the Ejigbo Police Division leading to the arrest of the Landlady and her subsequent arraignment at the Isolo Magistrates Court for the alleged offense.

When the charges were read to her, the accused pleaded not guilty and the presiding Magistrate, Mr. A.O. Ogbe granted her bail in the sum of N100,000 with two sureties in like sum.

However, she is to remain in prison custody pending when she will perfect her bail while the case has been adjourned till July 19, 2017.