NAAPE Presidential Candidate Promises Restoration In Nigerian’s Aviation Sector.

Engineer Roland Maikudi Ahmed, National Vice President of the Association of Aircraft Pilots and Engineers (NAAPE),  has promised to re-engineer the growth of the association.

Engineer Ahmed who has served the association for eight years as Vice President is contesting  to become President of the body in the next delegates conference in Port Harcourt slated for 19th July 2017, where New Leadership will emerge.

Fagging off his campaign, he stated sadly that NAAPE has existed for over three decades but has failed to reach the heights envisioned by the originators due to leadership which his vying aims to rectify.

Ahmed said,”NAAPE has existed for over three decades but it looks like NAAPE is less than a decade old. That means NAAPE has had a stunted growth, which has not allowed her to develop properly.

“This lack of growth is largely due to leadership. As a result of this development, I present myself to the call of the good people of our noble profession, as the next President of our great Association NAAPE.”

He went on to list a number of activities that he plans to accomplish if voted into office key among which is to liberate pilots and engineers from managerial shackles.

His words,”As I submit myself, as candidate to this clarion call. Permit me to let you know that I am the current National Vice President, Engineers and I have been part and at some time led the successful negotiations in some of the airlines and also been part of the committee that have signed a N2.5B secretariat project. I have also led the struggle to liberate some airlines from the shackle of slavery by their management. “

“And I want to use this medium to let us know that, if elected as the next president of NAAPE the struggle to liberate others will continue and together with my team. I will ensure that all members of this great association are proud to be members. I will ensure that all member airlines have a working conditions of service, I will ensure that all Nigerian pilots and engineers in Nigeria becomes members of this great association.”

He further declared,”I will ensure that the lost dignity of our members is restore. I will ensure that NAAPE becomes proactive on issues of safety and of national concern and I will ensure that NAAPE is properly and Nationally represented.”

According to Ahmed, he will take NAAPE not just to the next level, but to where it ought to be as a critical player in the development of the Aviation industry in Nigeria, “where professionalism will be our style, dignity of labour our pride and togetherness our motto.”