How Former Blind Super Eagle Star Was Duped By Fake Pastors And Imam To Regain Sight.

Former Super Eagles winger Femi Opabunmi was swindled by some pastors and Imam in the South West part of Nigeria in a bid for him to regain his sight.

In a chat Opabunmi, revealed that he suddenly lost his sight during training with his French second division side Niort in 2006.

And after two unsuccessful surgery in France, Opabunmi, one of the best players at the 2001 FIFA U-17 World Cup where he helped Nigeria reach the final, returned to Nigeria in search of a cure for his partial blindness but according to him he was duped.

“Many believed I was cursed, even my mother because in Paris the doctors medically said there was nothing wrong with my eyes,”

“Funds were given to me to survive by my former teammates (including Osaze Odemwingie) and well wishers.

I gave pastors some of the money, hoping that if I got healed I would start afresh with a coaching career. “I visited several churches and mountains in search of a cure but it never happened.

“They duped me of my small cash. I paid more that 400k to pastors to see that I got cured but nothing happened.”

“I also went to see some Imams as well. But they all turned out to be false men of God who duped me all the way.”