Nick Gordon Arrested In Florida For Domestic Abuse On New Girlfriend Two Years After Death Of Bobbi Kristina Brown

Nick Gordon, who was held legally responsible for the death of his girlfriend Bobby Kristina Brown in 2015, has been arrested in Florida for allegedly kidnapping and beating his current girlfriend.

Gordon, 28, was taken into custody by police in Sanford, Florida, after a complaint was filed by his live-in girlfriend of two months, 26-year-old Laura Leal

 According to the arrest report, Gordon struck Leal ‘by hitting and punching her in the face and the back of the head with a closed fist’.

Leal told police that she and Gordon went out to eat at Duffy’s Sports Bar in nearby Lake Mary, Florida, to watch Game 4 of the NBA Finals between the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Golden State Warriors.

After the game, the couple returned to their home in Sanford.

Leal says after that a heated argument erupted.

‘The argument became physical and lasted through the night which led to the beating.

Black and blue marks are visible on Leal’s upper arm and biceps region

Leal told investigators that she believed Gordon was upset because he suspected she was trying to ‘hook up’ with one of his friends at Duffy’s.

She told police that Gordon had no reason to be jealous and that her feelings for him were genuine, though she did acknowledge that the relationship was ‘toxic’.

She said that Gordon insisted she ‘tell him the truth’ about wanting to be with another man.

When Leal told Gordon that she ‘would never do that’ to him, he did not believe her, the police report stated.

Gordon kept insisting that she admit to wanting to cheat on him and that he ‘would not get mad’.

He ‘just needed to know the truth,’ according to Leal.

She then told police that Gordon gave her the option of leaving.

When she agreed, Gordon turned violent, she alleges.

‘Gordon became upset and [began to] violently punch her and hit her and refused to let her leave,’ according to the report.

When Leal wanted to use her laptop computer so that she could contact her sister through Facebook, Gordon took it away, according to police.

Leal said she had no way of communicating with the outside world since Gordon smashed her cell phone a few weeks prior to the incident.

Gordon also hid his own cell phone so she would have no way of seeking outside help, according to Leal.

‘Leal stated that Gordon would not allow her to leave the apartment and continued to punch and hit her,’ the arrest report stated.

Just after dawn, Leal says she ran into Nick Gordon’s mother’s bedroom and woke her up.

When Michelle Gordon saw the injuries allegedly caused by her son, she helped Leal ‘in getting her out of the house’ and drove her to her sister’s home.

Carla Leal then drove her sister to the Sanford Police Department.

When officers saw the injuries she had sustained, they asked Carla Leal to drive her sister to the emergency room.

Officers took statements from Leal and her sister. They then drove to Gordon’s home and arrested him.

Gordon’s mother was not at the house when the officers were there, according to the report.

Gordon faces a domestic violence battery charge as well as a charge of kidnapping and false imprisonment of an adult.

Photos of the woman obtained by TMZ show a number of black and blue marks on her left upper arm and bicep region.

There are also several discernible marks on her forearm.  

Bobbi Kristina, the daughter of the late singer Whitney Houston and her husband, the rapper Bobby Brown, was just 22 when she died two years ago.

Her death came six months after she fell into a coma that she would never wake from, after Gordon found her body submerged in a bathtub at the home they shared.

Last year, he was ordered to pay his late girlfriend’s family $36million.

The 26-year-old was found legally responsible for the death in a civil case.

Brown’s estate, which brought the lawsuit, accused Gordon of causing her death by giving her a ‘toxic mixture’ and also stealing from her bank account while she was comatose.

Gordon has denied the allegations and said he tried to save Brown’s life.

Fulton County Superior Court Judge T. Jackson Bedford ruled against Gordon by default in the lawsuit after neither Gordon nor his lawyer attended a hearing in the case in September, Ware said.

‘The Defendant will not escape justice nor ever profit from his misdeeds. We hope that in some small way this will allow Krissy’s family to continue their quest for peace,’ Ware said in an emailed statement.

Last year, Gordon was held legally responsible for the death of his girlfriend, Bobby Kristina Brown, in 2015.

An autopsy found that drug intoxication and the immersion of her face in the water contributed to her death.

Authorities said cocaine abuse and heart disease contributed to Houston’s death on Feb. 11, 2012.