Soldier Kills Boy In Kaduna Over Sand Packing.

A young boy has been shot to death by a soldier in front of Command Secondary School in Command Junction By Sabo Express Road, Kaduna for sand packing.

An eye witness, Joshua Ayo,  said that the boy was packing sand in front of the Military Secondary School called Command Secondary School when the soldier ordered him to stop.

Ayo added that, “the boy pleaded with the soldier to allow him pack the sand to get something to eat, since he was packing inside gutter that belongs to nobody.”

But the soldier “got angry and shouted, ‘Who the hell is this bloody civilian to argue with me?’ and the boy was approaching him when the soldier again said, ‘And you advancing towards me?’ and before one could say Jack Robinson we heard gunshot and people around ran away, then another gunshot that attracted people from other places,” Ayo lamented

He further explained that it was when other people started running down that those who were running away turned back to join them.

“On getting back to the spot, the soldier was nowhere to be found: we only met the lifeless body of the boy in the pool of his own blood stone dead.” He concluded.

All efforts to get the story from the side of the military was abortive as Christian youths have gathered massively in front of the gate of the Command Secondary School and barricaded the entrance demanding that the soldier who murdered the boy in cold blood should be brought out for jungle justice.

Also the roads in front of Command Secondary School leading to Sabo, Romi and Gonin-Gora have been barricaded restricting vehicular movement.

Arise News247 correspondent also approached the Police Officers who helplessly stood by their vans watching the scenario and sending radio messages. The Police Officers declined comment on the issue that led to the killing of the boy, insisting that they have no information, because they didn’t know what led to it, that they were only called upon to maintain order.

Suddenly, another set of truck loads of fully armed Police Officers arrived the scene in an intimidating manner. But the youths were unruffled as they advanced towards the Police asking them to start killing them.

One of them raised his voice and said that if any other civilian goes down then Kaduna will be on fire and some of the Policemen will not escape alive. He shouted, “This is a battle to finish!”