Japanese Porn Star Struggles To Stand Due To Incurable Disease.

Kohey Nishi a 3ft Japanese porn star who looks like a child in X-rated films is actually a 24-year-old computer programmer.

Nishi, who has an incurable disease called mucopolysaccharidosis, earns a living by having sex with women who look old enough to be his mother.

He struggles to stand for longer than five minutes because of his condition, but added that this does not bother him as most of his porn shoots are on a bed.

He was introduced to the adult film industry by his ‘drinking buddy’, porn mogul Ganari Takahashi, and hopes to ‘prevent children from being sexually abused’ through his work.

Mr Nishi, who also cannot open a plastic bottle or hear in his left ear due to his condition, had a ‘miracle’ bone marrow transplant which stopped the disease’s development.

He has been capitalising on his youthful look, which he says is huge with a younger audience and women.

‘There is no one who is an adult and looks like a kid more than me!’ he said.

‘You cannot cast actual kids sometimes [in non-pornographic content], so I’d like to fill the gap in that market.’

He added: ‘I was once told that “Your videos seem dangerous as you look a real kid on screen.”

‘But I have considered that my works prevent children from being sexually abused, just like war movies and shooter video games can contribute to peace.’

Mr Nishi currently makes films with titles like ‘Having Sex in the Magic Mirror Box Car with a Female College Student with F-Cup Breasts Who Wants to Be a Kindergarten Teacher.’

He admitted that he wants to move into American porn and non-erotic films in the future.