Angry Hawkers Stone KIA Official To Death.

Moshood Ayeni an officer with the Kick Against Indiscipline KAI was on Tuesday stoned to death by some street traders in Lagos.

Ayeni was stoned at Iyana Oworo axis of Lagos, Southwest Nigeria.

An officer of the KAI team who gave his name as Mr Okarutu Eneji said the team moving with Green Maria van marked KRD 643 DS apprehended one Jeremiah Nnana 28 years old hawking Gala and another hawker, Orichi Nwofokoh 20 years old, selling phone accessories along the highway.

Eneji said, “The two illegal highway hawkers started shouting and calling the attention of other hawkers around and in no time they gathered and started throwing stones at the Green Maria van.”

He said the stones eventually hit the deceased’s head, became unconscious and fell down from the vehicle.

Other members of the team rushed him immediately to the Lagos State Emergency centre at 7-Up area of the state where they tried to revive him.

He was later referred to the Lagos University Teaching Hospital [LUTH] where he was pronounced dead.

His remains has since been deposited at the LUTH Mortuary

Confirming the tragic incident, the KAI Marshal General, CSP Jimoh Amusat (Rtd) condemned the barbaric act of violence unleashed on the officer of the Brigade while carrying out his Lawful duties

Amusat vowed that the Brigade ‎ would not be deterred in combating the menace of the illegal highway traders and Hawkers within the metropolis.

Meantime, the entire KAI Brigade commiserated with the family of the deceased and pray for the fortitude to bear the loss.