Female Student Victimised For Exposing Lecturer On Sexual Harassment

An undergraduate of University of Ilorin simply identified as Faith is currently being victimised for exposing a randy lecturer who tried to seduce her in his office last year.

Reports say the authorities of the University are bent on expelling her from the University.

Recal a year ago, Dr Muhammed Sani Idiagbon who was Acting head of Department of English at the University of Ilorin. In an audio tape that went viral, persistently made immoral advances to Faith , who rejected the advances, and Dr Idiagbon was reported to the university authorities.

When the matter became public, the University Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Abdulganiyu Ambali, promised the Nigerian public that the lecturer would be arraigned before the staff disciplinary committee as stipulated in University Regulations.

However, rather than do this, the University allowed the lecturer to quietly resign and left the system, because he was alleged an indigene and a relation to the Vice-Chancellor.

A year after the incident, the University authorities have put machinery in place to victimise Faith.

According to reports, the UNILORIN authorities had embarked on a deliberate witch-hunt by writing to the Asa Local Government Area to verify the citizen claim of Faith which has prompted an unexplained letter by the Local Government to the lady.

It turned out Faith, who lost her biological father as a child 20 years ago, has a foster father by name of Abdulraheem Garuba, a friend to her late father who hails from Budo Agun in Asa local government area of Kwara State.

It also came to light that, prior to the UNILORIN incident, the foster father had always endorsed her official documents and had sworn to affidavits confirming Faith as his foster child.

When the local government contacted Abdulraheem, he readily confirmed the relationship with Faith.

However, in an unusual twist, apparently on promptings from the University authorities, the local government has reportedly written to the University to cast doubt on the citizenship status of Faith.

According to further reports, some powerful forces in the University are bent on removing Faith for blowing a whistle on an indigene.

The lady herself could however not be reached as at the time of filing this report.

Meanwhile, some women organisations and human rights activists are gearing up for a showdown with the University over the affair.

The issue may also generate unprecedented legal tussle over the citizen rights of children with deceased fathers and foster parents.