Custom Patrol Vehicle Set Ablaze By Angry Car Dealers In Kaduna

Customs officials in Kaduna state today got more than the bargained for as an angry car dealer sets an official vehicle of the Customs ablaze.

But the timely intervention of the Kaduna State security outfit, code-named ‘Operation Yaki’, brought the situation under control.

The incident was alleged took place along the Rabah Road, in Kaduna North Local Government, when Customs officials had gone on patrol to impound vehicles without import duties from car dealers in the city.

An eyewitness said that the Customs officials had gone to an unnamed car dealers showroom around the Isa Kaita road area, also in the metropolis, to impound about six luxury vehicles which they claimed had no import duties.

However, according to the eyewitness, on getting to the showroom, the Customs officials who were few in numbers, sensed there could be danger, decided to go back for reinforcement.

At this juncture, it the eye witness said the car dealers decided “to go and hide some of the vehicles, but the Customs officials were able to tow away four of the luxury vehicles.”

After going away with the vehicles, the Custom officials were said to have come back to impound more vehicles, it was at this point, the car dealers mobilised and gave the officials a hot chase.

The eyewitness said:”The Custom officials had gone to Issa Kaita road to impound vehicles without import duties from an unknown car showroom. They succeeded in impounding four of the vehicles but came back to tow the remaining two.

“As they took the remaining two, the car dealers mobilised and gave them a hot chase. Luck ran against the Customs driver as the dealers caught up with him, dragged him down and set the patrol vehicle on fire.”

Efforts to reach the officials of the Customs and Excise was futile as an official who did not want his names in print said that the agency would brief the press later.”