Massive Vibrations At Lagos Airport Not Structural: Minister

Sen. Hadi Sirika the Minister of State, Aviation, who flew in from Abuja over allegations that there were massive vibrations that has affected the structural integrity of Muritala Muhammed international Airport said the rumours is misleading.

He explained that the vibrations experienced at the Airport was not in any way a structural issue but a result of the unatched doors where the coolers which have just been put into use are housed.

Explaining further he said that the doors were not well-latched and the vibrations happened directly under the office Royal Air Maroc and that led to the wrong assumption that something was wrong.

“Once our men were alerted, they went promptly, identified the problem which was the door, and latched the door and since then there has been quiet, so it’s not true.”

The minister further disclosed that the engineering department was working on the chillers too stating,” We are working on those chillers and in no distant time the airport will be quite chilled and comfortable for our passengers.”

On the issue of the power outage that was reported, Sirika said there was power outage but there were redundancies that are dedicated to certain critical areas of the airport.

“Indeed there was power outage at the airport however we have dedicated generators, to certain areas of the airport and those generators were working at the time we lost the power.

The airfield lighting, taxiways were all working perfectly and most part of the operational aspects of the airport including the checking-in counter was working perfectly.”

“The terminal building where passengers found themselves were affected but the outage did not get to the critical safety operations of the airport and even that it took us a couple of minutes to identify the problem and we went for it, the generators that would power that unit had surges and destroyed part of the activation system of the generators and took time to restore but it has been restored now and since then everything is working normally.”