We Met An Airline That Was Almost Dead: Captain Roy.

The new management of Arik Airline, the Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria
has ordered more aircraft spares parts, which have started arriving and in the coming days more aircraft will become serviceable and ready to join its fleet.

This was stated in a statement which further disclosed that the new management team led by Captain Roy Ilegbodu, a veteran aviation expert with over 30 years’ experience, is more safety conscious than the former management of the airline that showed no regard to critical details that are needed to run a sensitive business like an airline.

“We met an airline that was almost dead and our coming will go down in history as a real blessing,” said Captain Roy.

The takeover of the airline by the Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) and the appointment of a Receiver/ Manager has not in any way eroded the confidence of the flying public and all other business partners of the largest carrier in Nigeria.

It would be recalled that when the new Arik management team took over the affairs of Arik in February, they met a depleted fleet and 18 unserviceable aircraft, without a single spare part in the store, which is highly unethical and dangerous in aviation business.

It was, therefore, only a matter of time for the few serviceable aircraft to be grounded. he stated

Despite desperate motives of some mischievous elements in the society to ridicule the efforts of the government to rehabilitate ailing Arik Airline, which recently came under receivership due to gross mismanagement and heavy debt profile, the management of the airline has reiterated the fact that it would continue to pay priority attention to safety,